Thanks to both of you for your help. I think it was very, very likely that I made a mistake using autotools, as I have very little experience using them. I sent the email just because the message recommends doing so, and was expecting that the problem was the detection of the error or the message.

Thanks again and sorry to bother!
Kind regards,

Lic. José Hipólito Moyano
Oficina de sistemas
Tel. +54-291-4595101 interno 2699
San Andrés 800 - Campus Palihue
Departamento de Cs. e Ing. de la Computación
Universidad Nacional del Sur

On 2021-08-14 22:00, Nick Bowler wrote:
On 2021-08-14, José Hipólito Moyano <> wrote:
I attached the project files in the email. Maybe they were filtered :-)
Here they go again (maybe the C code won't compile XD, I was just
    automake: error: global options already processed

Your error is presumably caused by the two expansions of
AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE in your  There should be just one,
so instead of

  AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE([foreign 1.16])
  # To enable non recursive automake


  AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE([foreign subdir-objects 1.16])

Strictly speaking I would say there is an Automake bug here: the
diagnostic message was certainly not very useful!

Hope that helps,

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