On Fri, Feb 5, 2010 at 7:54 AM, Evan Driscoll <drisc...@cs.wisc.edu> wrote:
> Jan Schampera wrote:
>> drisc...@cs.wisc.edu schrieb:
>>>        Some of the time, using CRLF line endings cause syntax errors
>>>        in Bash scripts ("unexpected end of file").
>>>        This problem shows up on Bash 4.1 on Linux, Bash 3.2 on Linux,
>>>        and Bash 3.2 on Cygwin (where I first noticed it).
>> Normal. Though I don't know how to treat the Cygwin case, since the
>> underlying platform uses \r\n anyways. But the rest: Simply don't mix
>> UNIX and Windows text.
> Why not make Bash consider \r\n a legitimate line ending? What possible
> reason could there be for treating carriage return characters as it does
> now?

cygwin's bash is patched and provides a special igncr shopt option.
try shopt -s igncr

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