On Thu, Feb 04, 2010 at 11:54:51PM -0600, Evan Driscoll wrote:
> Why not make Bash consider \r\n a legitimate line ending? What possible 
> reason could there be for treating carriage return characters as it does 
> now?

Well, the most literal reason is that the shebang (#!/program) line
will not work with a carriage return.  This line is read as a comment
by bash, but as a "use this program" directive by the underlying OS.
The OS is going to try to run $'/program\r' and will not find it.
Unless of course you made $'bash\r' a symlink to bash, and so on.

Apart from that, there's no reason a Cygwin-style shell option couldn't
be used on Unix.  Other than, of course, the fact that it's a grossly
bad habit to let yourself fall into; and the fact that no other shell
would ever be able to read the script; and the 40 years of precedent for
the current behavior....

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