On Mon, Oct 30, 2017 at 10:34:47AM +0800, Clark Wang wrote:
> See following example:
> [STEP 100] # echo $BASH_VERSION
> 4.4.12(2)-release
> [STEP 101] # v=\'\'
> [STEP 102] # printf '%q\n' "$v"
> \'\'
> [STEP 103] # printf '%s\n' "${v@Q}"
> ''\'''\'''
> [STEP 104] #

What's the bug?  They are equivalent.

If you mean "I would like bash to perform a second optimization pass
over the result of ${var@Q} so that it's prettier in my degenerate edge
cases", I suspect there are better uses of Chet's time, but it's his call.

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