$ mapping/taipower/pole2tm
bash: mapping/taipower/pole2tm: No such file or directory

Must be a bash bug! Proof:
$ ls -l mapping/taipower/pole2tm
-rwxr-xr-x 1 jidanni jidanni 11290 2012-06-19  mapping/taipower/pole2tm

But wait,
$ strace mapping/taipower/pole2tm
execve("mapping/taipower/pole2tm", ["mapping/taipower/pole2tm"], 0x7ffd53416200 
/* 58 vars */) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
strace: exec: No such file or directory
+++ exited with 1 +++

Must also be a strace bug...

$ file mapping/taipower/pole2tm
mapping/taipower/pole2tm: ELF 32-bit LSB executable...

but we are running it on
$ arch

Anyway, perhaps somebody could submit a kernel bug, telling them to
somehow make bash, etc. look less bad, by a clearer error message, as I
suppose bash cannot always catch such cases, to make a better error

In fact maybe bash could catch it (expensive?):

First "stat" the file.
If it doesn't exist bash should make its own message
bash: /tmp/abce: No such file or directory
If it does, then bash should be prepared to catch the kernel's message
(which is referring to a *different* file, which yes, actually does not exist.)
Whereupon bash could make a better error message.

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