I'm looking for a hybrid between single quotes and a here doc or here

The main use case is for accepting arbitrary user-specified text. I would
like to wrap this text in single quotes so as to prevent any variable
expansion or interpretation of the text of any kind. Additionally, I would
like to allow the users to include single quotes in their text without
requiring that they escape these quotes.

Something akin to the following would alleviate the need to communicate
that users must escape single quotes, but also provide the same literal
string behavior of single quotes.

presuming the arbitrarily substituted text is:

echo 'this command is specified by the user'

Then a syntax for this single quote heredoc behavior could be like:

$ sh -c <<^MAGIC_WORD echo 'this command is specified by the user'

Everything within the MAGIC_WORD declarations would not have command
substitution, variable expansion, etc, but would be treated as if it were
wrapped in single quotes with the exception that single quotes between the
MAGIC_WORDs need not be escaped.

Pardon my naïveté, does any such feature exist or are there good ways to
accomplish this? If not, is this something that could feasibly be
implemented? Would it be desirable?



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