On Thu, Jun 07, 2007 at 03:49:53PM -0600, Bob Proulx wrote:
> Michael Geng wrote:
> > I would expect Genparse to generate faster code than argp because it does 
> > part of the work at compile time while argp does everything at run time
> > since it's a library function.
> Is the performance of parsing program arguments really a concern?  I
> would think that the difference would not be significant.  I would
> value clean code over minor performance improvements.  For coreutils I
> would value object code size over performance.
> Bob

I could imagine that especially for the Coreutils speed might be more a 
concern than for other tools because some of the Coreutils tools are
called very often. And I would also expect that with Genparse you also get 
smaller code than with argp again because it does part of the work while
it generates the parser code while argp is a library function and so it 
does everything at run time.


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