I unexepectedly discovered some of my .ogg files were showing up with
the wrong color.  I thought my filesystem was broken, or some attributes
had been set on the files, or that they were executable, or something.

Eventually I realized that they were multiply hardlinked.

This is not something I ever want colorized with ls.  And I certainly do
not want it to ever "win" over any other color settings which are
meaningful to me.  I created my color settings in the year 1995 and they
have worked since until now.

I checked the dir_colors manpage, which made no mention of hard links.
I checked the ls manpage which made no mention of hardlinks.

I checked the coreutils project page, which did not discuss the issue.

Eventually I found mention of the issue in the NEWS for the source
release.  It showed a recipe for special manipulation of hte variable

Well this isn't very good, so I tried adding it to my ~/.dir_colors
file, but dir_colors doesn't understand the 'hl' value.

This isn't very satisfying.

I suggest:

 - any parameter in DIR_COLORS should be understood by dir_colors
 - any parameter in DIR_COLORS should be documented in the dir_colors
 - hard links should not "win" over other settings, since this is not a
   situation that is cause for concern or in other ways to be "alerted"
   over the configured meanings for files.
 - the gnu info documentation should describe the ~/.dir_colors file

I think the first three of of these conditions were satisfied prior to
the patch, incidentally.


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