On 01/23/2014 06:20 PM, Bernhard Voelker wrote:
On 01/23/2014 07:41 PM, Assaf Gordon wrote:
$ strace ../src/chown 34574:users . 2>&1 | grep -A 5 -B 5 chown

fchownat(AT_FDCWD, ".", 34574, 100, 0)  = -1 EPERM (Operation not permitted)

++ id -g
+ id_g=1000

+ chown 34574:users .
chown: changing ownership of '.': Operation not permitted
+ fail=1

Ooops, something very strange is going on on your system:
chown resolves the group 'users' to gid 100 while 'id -g'
says 1000.

Can you find out why?
Are you using some strange Samba/Kerberos authentication against
an Active Directory or similar? (I've seen such issues with that

Thanks for the quick reply - this is a strange old server (not my doing...).
Indeed it uses an external authentication, and has conflicting local and global groups named "users".

$ grep users /etc/group
$ getent group | grep ^users
$ id -G
1000 1001 3432

So I guess this is not a bug, and can be closed.
I'll just ignore this failure on this system.


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