>Submitter-Id:   net
>Originator:     nilo
>Organization: net
>Confidential:  no
>Synopsis:      Messed up line in /etc/init.d/cvs-pserver
>Severity:      serious
>Priority:      high
>Category:      cvs-pserver
>Class:         sw-bug
>Release:       1.11.1p1
System: Linux oblodget 2.4.17-686-smp #2 SMP Sat Dec 22 22:00:42 EST 2001 i686 unknown
Architecture: i686

        On line 28 of /etc/init.d/cvs-pserver

Line 28: [ "$CVS_TMP_DIR" != ""|        ] && cvs_tmp_dir="-T $CVS_TEMP_DIR"

        There for some reason is a pipe charactor in the file and once I took that out 
it was fixed.

        This cause the pserver to do a 

        /usr/sbin/cvs-pserver: [: missing `]'

        when trying to connect.

        Take out the | and it will work fine.

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