
It's me again!  I'm getting the following errors when I am trying to import
a test repository.  What does lstat mean?  I also noticed that in $CVSROOT
directory there is no 'gnu' directory.  I was looking at the "Where files
are stored within the repository" on page 8 of the CVS manual for CVS
v1.11.2.  Is that needed and if so, where did I miss the step that creates
the directory?

Thanks a lot!!

$ cvs import -m "Junk Test" junk Junk_Dist Junk-Test

N junk/
cvs import: cannot lstat file : No such file or directory
N junk/
cvs import: cannot lstat file : No such file or directory
N junk/
cvs import: cannot lstat file : No such file or directory
N junk/ir1
cvs import: cannot lstat file ir1: No such file or directory
N junk/S
cvs import: cannot lstat file S: No such file or directory

No conflicts created by this import

$ cd ..
$ cvs checkout junk

cvs checkout: Updating junk
? junk/
? junk/
? junk/
? junk/ir1
? junk/S
cvs [checkout aborted]: cannot make directory : No such file or directory


$ ls
CVSROOT   ccvs         info      lib         tc
bin                   cvs-1.11  junk      man     yoyodyne

$ cd junk

$ ls


$more history

Any ideas???????

Thanks a lot!!!!

Melissa Fielding
Highmark Inc
Open Systems
Ctrst 2BL2

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