Does anyone know what might cause CVS to cut off the first half of all of
my files when I try an import?  I'm running this on a Solaris 8 machine.

My direcotries look something like this:

drwxr-xr-x   2 melissa  sysadmin     512 Jul 25 09:43 junk2

-rw-r--r--   1 melissa  sysadmin      25 Jul 25 09:43 junk2file

I get this when I perform:
$ cvs import -m "test distribuition" junk2Test CVS_DIST CVS-TEST

N junk2Test/
cvs import: cannot lstat file : No such file or directory
N junk2Test/
cvs import: cannot lstat file : No such file or directory
N junk2Test/nk2file
cvs import: cannot lstat file nk2file: No such file or directory

No conflicts created by this import

Am I doing something wrong?  Are my permissions wrong?  Are there any log
files that can give me more information?  Is there a trace that I can put
on that will tell me all the steps that are completing and erroring out
when I perform the import?    Any information that you can provide will be
extremely appreciated!!!!!

Thanks so much!

                       To:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]         
                    (Larry Jones)        cc:     [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
                                         Subject:     Re: cvs import: cannot lstat 
file : No such file or    
                    07/24/2002            directory                                    
                    04:18 PM                                                           

> It's me again!  I'm getting the following errors when I am trying to
> a test repository.  What does lstat mean?  I also noticed that in
> directory there is no 'gnu' directory.  I was looking at the "Where files
> are stored within the repository" on page 8 of the CVS manual for CVS
> v1.11.2.  Is that needed and if so, where did I miss the step that
> the directory?

That's just an example of what a repository *might* look like; only the
CVSROOT directory of administrative files is required.

> $ cvs import -m "Junk Test" junk Junk_Dist Junk-Test
> N junk/
> cvs import: cannot lstat file : No such file or directory
> N junk/
> cvs import: cannot lstat file : No such file or directory
> N junk/
> cvs import: cannot lstat file : No such file or directory
> N junk/ir1
> cvs import: cannot lstat file ir1: No such file or directory
> N junk/S
> cvs import: cannot lstat file S: No such file or directory

What platform is this on?  lstat() is a system routine that gets
information about a file -- it would appear that it doesn't work right
on your platform.  In fact, it looks like a lot of things don't work
right since it looks like CVS is trying to import files with no names.
It would be informative to see an ``ls -lqR'' of the directory you're
trying to import.

> $ cd ..
> $ cvs checkout junk

Never checkout over an existing directory (I presume ``junk'' is the
directory you just imported), especially one that you just imported.
Either rename the existing directory before doing the checkout, or use
the ``-d'' option to checkout to use a different name for the new

-Larry Jones

Any game without push-ups, hits, burns or noogies is a sissy game. --

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