Karl Berry wrote:
Are there any "wonder features"
Speaking for myself, Antonio kindly added the --loose-exit-status option
for me so that it would be less frustrating to use as the crontab -e
editor (which is what I generally do, long story).

I recall that he added one other feature at my request, but I've
forgotten what it was!  I'm sure it was wonderful, though :).

I don't think anything will enhance its "popularity".  It is what it is,
and it is never going to replace emacs or vi.

(Antonio: FWIW, usual practice is to leave the NEWS file complete, with
all info for past releases, not just the current release.)


I am appreciating ed quite a lot actually recently for its niche..
it may not be popular, but to change configuration files on heavily
loaded machines running somewhere on the other side of the world
with very bad connectivity.. it is much better than emacs (which is
not generally installed where I need to log on, and would be too slow),
and for me much more practical than vi.


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