Ori Avtalion wrote:
  * The current address is now correctly set to the addressed line after an
empty insert command.
  * The substitute command now correctly sets the current address to the
address of the last line on which a substitution occurred, and leaves it
unchanged if no substitution is performed.
  * The current address is now correctly set to the addressed line (or to
the new last line if at EOF) after an empty replacement text in the change

1) Shouldn't these be listed next to each other in the changelog,
since they're mostly the same change?

The first and third are in fact related. They were both fixed by adding a parameter to the function 'append_lines' in buffer.c.

But the second is an independent problem that was fixed by making several changes to the function search_and_replace in regex.c. Previously it used the current address as a loop variable, leaving it at the last line in the address range, irrespective of any substitution being done or not.

2) Does "insert command" also mean the "append command"?

I think not. The append command already left the current address in the right place after an empty text.

Best regards,

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