Ori Avtalion wrote:
According to the POSIX spec, it should be interpreted as 1:
  "the current line is set to the last inserted line or, if there was
none, to the addressed line.
  Address 0 shall be valid for this command; it shall be interpreted
as if address 1 were specified."
However, I think the spirit of the text does suggest that the current
address should be 1. :)

That said, the descriptions for Change and Delete explicitly state "the current
line number shall be set to zero" in some situations, so perhaps if an explicit
address of 0 is given as input, it should be "interpreted as 1" for the purpose
of Insert, but kept at 0 if no input was provided.

It seems that the current line number shall be set to zero only if no lines remain in the buffer.

Moreover, the description of the i command states that "This command differs from the a command only in the placement of the input text". So you may be right that the current address should be 1 in both cases.

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