Follow-up Comment #9, bug #58654 (project findutils):

Thanks for the heads-up.

Especially thanks for the additional example.  However, it does
not look very enlightening to me.

find . −perm −+w

prints (−print is assumed) the names of all files in or below the current
directory, with S_IWUSR set if the file creation mask does not have S_IWUSR
set (otherwise the S_IWUSR bit is ignored), S_IWGRP set if the file creation
mask does not have S_IWGRP set (otherwise S_IWGRP is ignored), and S_IWOTH set
if the file creation mask does not have S_IWOTH set (otherwise S_IWOTH is

It is not very clear if the 3 conditions are logically OR-ed
or AND-ed.
Furthermore, in practice, `find -perm -+w` will output only
files which have ugo+w permissions, regardless of the current
umask, right?

$ for perm in u ug ugo uo g go o ; do \
    > f-$perm \
    && chmod a-rwx,$perm+w f-$perm; \

$ ls -log f-*
-----w---- 1 0 Feb  2 02:39 f-g
-----w--w- 1 0 Feb  2 02:39 f-go
--------w- 1 0 Feb  2 02:39 f-o
--w------- 1 0 Feb  2 02:39 f-u
--w--w---- 1 0 Feb  2 02:39 f-ug
--w--w--w- 1 0 Feb  2 02:39 f-ugo
--w-----w- 1 0 Feb  2 02:39 f-uo

$ for u in 0000 0002 0022 0020 0222 0202 0220; do ( echo "umask: $u"; umask $u
&& find -perm -+w ); done
umask: 0000
umask: 0002
umask: 0022
umask: 0020
umask: 0222
umask: 0202
umask: 0220


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