Follow-up Comment #10, bug #58654 (project findutils):

> It is not very clear if the 3 conditions are logically OR-ed or AND-ed.
The proposed wording change seems clear to me. Note the use of the word "and":
"... all files... with S_IWUSR set..., S_IWGRP set..., and S_IWOTH set..." Do
you have a suggestion for how we can improve the wording?

> Furthermore, in practice, `find -perm -+w` will output only files which have
ugo+w permissions, regardless of the current umask, right?
GNU find's -perm option currently ignores umask. Other implementations of find
(e.g., from the BSDs) do not ignore umask. The reason this was brought up on
the mailing list
( was
because the change to POSIX would make GNU find's current behavior clearly
non-conforming, which could confuse or disappoint users. Ideally, GNU find's
behavior would be changed to match the new wording, at least when
POSIXLY_CORRECT is set. We (the Austin Group) would like to know if the
maintainers of GNU find object to the change, as it would influence the
wording we put the next version of the POSIX standard.


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