Dear NG

First thing first : This is a newbee question.

I use a GNU port under Windows 95. About a year ago, I downloaded from
Cygnus (not RedHat yet) their beta 20 port. And I started playing around
with GCC/GDB. I more or less figured out how to compile a simple program.
Unfortunately, I never figured out how to debug it. GDB always reported a
SIGSEV error and that essentially precluded any effective debugging.
I left all these issues dormant until yesterday, when I downloaded from
Cygnus/RedHat the latest update. (from
st). After figuring out the new way of installing the software, getting
familliar with the Unix-style directory structure, I set out to try again
the compiler/debugger.
When loading the debuggee, GDB is complaining with the following error
message :
gdb-internal-error: sect_index_bss not initialized.

More precisely, here is a screenshot of what I do :
>gdb -nw
GNU gdb 5.0
Copyright 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
GDB is free software, .... etc <skipped>
This GDB was configured as "i686-pc-cygwin".
(gdb) file simple.exe
Reading symbols from simple.exe...gdb-internal-error: sect_index_bss not
An internal GDB error was detected.  This may make make further debugging
unreliable.  Continue this debugging session? (y or n) y
Create a core file containing the current state of GDB? (y or n) y
(gdb) run
Starting program: /cygdrive/e/francois/thunks/simple.exe
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0xbff76ede in ?? ()
(gdb) step
Cannot find bounds of current function
(gdb) stepi
Program exited normally.
(gdb) quit

FYI, I compiled -successfully, as far as I can tell...- the simple.c program
from Colins Peter, (

Note that strangely enough, if I single step the instruction, the program
runs properly to completion.

Also, I use the following ultra-simple (too simple ?) makefile :

test.exe : test.o
 gcc test.o -o test.exe  -mwindows -mno-cygwin
test.o : test.c
 gcc test.c -o test.o -c -g

I looked in discussions, and found the following :

I am not sure whether this is relevant to my problem, however...

What can I do to make GDB work ? (I can not really afford to download huge
source files and recompile...). Is there any compiler / linker / loader
option(s) that may solve the problem ?

Any help or explanations about what's going here (and with SIGSEV stuff) on
Any good pointers to explanations for building Win32 applications with GNU
welcomed as well.

François Robert
To mail me : reverse order of all characters in address

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