I am willing to believe the new nets are better, but I have not seen the
results of a long-enough/statistically-significant  run of matches between
the old and new.

I have uploaded my latest nets at http://www.gnubg.org/media/nn-training/pmichel/nets/20130121/

Access doesn't seem to work well for now, apparently as a consequence of the site hacking. Direct links to the files should be fine :

Matches against gnubg 0.90 nets, using matchplay.py -m 5 --q1 ... give :

- at 0 ply :

# X - 502560  O - 497440 (50.26-%) (268114 117223 114663)
# X - 501845  O - 498155 (50.18+%) (267521 117162 115317)
# X - 501867  O - 498133 (50.19-%) (268461 116703 114836)
# X - 502754  O - 497246 (50.28-%) (268354 117200 114446)

tallying to X 2009026 O 1990974 (50.226%) and a sd of ca. 0.048%

- at 2 ply :

# X - 1253  O - 1247 (50.12+%) (723 265 262)
# X - 1305  O - 1195 (52.20+%) (719 293 238)
# X - 1313  O - 1187 (52.52+%) (675 319 256)
# X - 1290  O - 1210 (51.60+%) (710 290 250)
# X - 1266  O - 1234 (50.64+%) (706 280 264)
# X - 1290  O - 1210 (51.60+%) (710 290 250)
# X - 1299  O - 1201 (51.96+%) (703 298 249)
# X - 1258  O - 1242 (50.32+%) (670 294 286)
# X - 1306  O - 1194 (52.24+%) (716 295 239)
# X - 1275  O - 1225 (51.00+%) (641 317 292)
# X - 1249  O - 1251 (49.96+%) (679 285 286)
# X - 1258  O - 1242 (50.32+%) (700 279 271)
# X - 1253  O - 1247 (50.12+%) (683 285 282)
# X - 1249  O - 1251 (49.96+%) (733 258 259)
# X - 1262  O - 1238 (50.48+%) (674 294 282)
# X - 1271  O - 1229 (50.84+%) (701 285 264)
# X - 1259  O - 1241 (50.36+%) (701 279 270)
# X - 1263  O - 1237 (50.52+%) (697 283 270)
# X - 1254  O - 1246 (50.16+%) (678 288 284)
# X - 1292  O - 1208 (51.68+%) (684 304 262)

for X 25465 O 24535 (50.930%) and a sd of 0.42%

The former is comfortably significant, the latter looks, at worst, encouraging. FWIW, the sets of 2500 were taking about a day on my machine and I guess someone dedicating a Core i5 CPU to this should be able to get 100000 matches per week.

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