On Fri, Feb 09, 2024 at 09:58:24PM +0100, Øystein Schønning-Johansen wrote:

> Do you have the raw neural network weight files?

The source file used by gnubg is in th CVS repository:

I have uploded it in the format used by gnubg-nn at:

There are no training_data or benchmark subdirectories of 1.01, I used 
those of 1.00.

Do you know why gnubg uses a binary weights file ? I suppose parsing 
100000 floating point numbers in text format used to be slow, but 
nowadays it is barely noticeable, if at all, when starting the tty 
interface and dwarved by the time the GUI takes to open.

Maybe we should get rid of this? gnubg already can read the text file ; 
if there is no gnubg.wd file where it expects to find the weights file 
it will try to read a gnubg.weights if there is one in the same place.

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