Follow-up Comment #18, bug #24785 (project gnustep):

Given that the return value before the change is coming back as 153 million
something, and after the change it's coming back as expected (0,1,2) it DOES
fix something.

I encourage you to run it through the debugger and check the value that comes
back from the delegate call to applicationShouldTerminate: before and after
the change.

Use SystemPreferences or (in GAP on nongnu savannah) to test this.

I realize that looking at the change, it doesn't seem like it should work or
even change the semantics of what is happening because:

1) the enum sets the values explicitly...
2) it is coercing it back into the appropriate type.

but, from observation, it does work since applications which were previously
not quitting are quitting correctly after the change. 



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