>>>>> Khimenko Victor writes:

 >>> Ok. Just don't expect it from GRUB :-)

 >> Don't tell a lie.

 KV> "LIE" ?? It WAS truth and it IS truth.

There is no need for anybody to get upset.

Khimenko, it would have been much easier if you just said ``GRUB can
do what you want using the `map' command, but it is inefficient and
only works under DOS/Windows.  To swap drives efficiently under all
OSes cannot be done in general.''

 >>> I mean; stage2 can be on ide0). Read documentation about
 >>> installation process carefully.

 >> I'd like to say the same thing to you.

 KV> Hmm. Perhaps I've read it not carefully enough but I was unable
 KV> to find way to swap drives WITHOUT adding additional int13
 KV> handler (read: works with real OS) and without screwing
 KV> Windows9X. Am I missed something ?

That constraint was not part of the original poster's question, so I
fail to see why you are so adamant about it.  He asked a simple
question, and I supplied him with the only feasible answer.

Okuji was miffed at you because you were telling everybody that there
was *no* solution, when in reality the only reasonable solution, and
the one GRUB implements, just didn't fit your own (unstated)

Is it clearer now why we saw your post as misinformed?  Next time you
post something that disregards another person's opinion, it is better
to state your assumptions rather than sarcastically criticize their

 Gordon Matzigkeit <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  //\ I'm a FIG (http://fig.org/)
Committed to freedom and diversity \// I use GNU (http://www.gnu.org/)

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