>>>>> Peter Astrand writes:

 >> Excuse me but I did in fact read the documentation.  Iwasn't being
 >> serious bout the microsoft comment.  Please calm down.  With an
 >> attitude like that no one will use grub.  (I am the only person I
 >> know who does).

 PA> I agree. Sometimes it seems like people on this list are just
 PA> waiting for somebody to attack or offense. What happened with the
 PA> Netiqette?

Some people just don't believe in being polite, or language barriers
make their words sound harsher than they are.  That's unfortunate when
they are the same ones who offer sound technical advice.

It's an ugly world.  There's not much you can do except learn how not
to take offense, avoid the situations, or get angry and flame back.

 Gordon Matzigkeit <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  //\ I'm a FIG (http://fig.org/)
Committed to freedom and diversity \// I use GNU (http://www.gnu.org/)

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