On Thu, 27 Jul 2000, OKUJI Yoshinori wrote:

> From: Dave <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: BUG ? Feature :-) (was: BUG with grub menus)
> Date: Wed, 26 Jul 2000 17:39:36 -0400 (EDT)
> > I am changing my view on how this problem arose to be a documentation
> > oversight and to ease the use of GRUB for linux users who are switching to
> > grub from lilo <I personally think everyone should just for the great
> > menus it has.
>   Would you like to fix the documentation? A bug report is good, but a
I'd love to but I am in the process of possibly relocating from
Penssylvania to Mississippi a distance == about half the width of the
United States so I have very little time right now.  

Once I figure out what is happening I could definitly try to do it.


> bug report with a patch attached is even better. :)
> Okuji

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