From: Alessandro Rubini <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: documentation question
Date: Sat, 2 Sep 2000 00:28:59 +0200

> >> /alessandro, guessing how many developers are currently hacking grub..
> >   Should I answer this? :)
> I hope so. I'd like to know how my irrelevant stuff is taking time
> from real work...

  As GRUB is a volunteer-based project, the number of developers
varies from time to time. So I just mention developers who are
constantly (or often) working on GRUB.

  At the moment, I'm the primary programmer and the manual
writer. Most changes are made by me, and my approvement is mostly
necessary to apply patches to the CVS, while Gordon has the same (or
stronger) right theoretically.

  Gordon is the primary maintainer and so he is responsible for making
releases, negotiating copyright assignments, and making decisions on
the direction of the development.

  Pavel and Jochen are also maintainers, though they seem to assume
that they are not maintainers (Why?). Jochen maintains part of the
filesystem code (fsys_fat.c and fsys_reiserfs.c), while Pavel works
more arbitrarily.

  Klaus sometimes sends nice patches to us. Christoph contributes to
GRUB, especially the netboot support and the serial support.

  Please see the files AUTHORS, THANKS, and ChangeLog, if you'd like
to know more. Possibly I omitted several important persons.


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