>>>>> OKUJI Yoshinori writes:

 OY>   At the moment, I'm the primary programmer and the manual
 OY> writer. Most changes are made by me, and my approvement is mostly
 OY> necessary to apply patches to the CVS, while Gordon has the same
 OY> (or stronger) right theoretically.

 OY>   Gordon is the primary maintainer and so he is responsible for
 OY> making releases, negotiating copyright assignments, and making
 OY> decisions on the direction of the development.

Okuji is the strength behind the project right now.  If I was the
primary maintainer, the development would go a lot slower, and be
almost at a standstill, only fixing the most annoying bugs from time
to time.

Right now I am completely consumed by designing and building
infrastructure for GRUB 1.0.  My plans are a little difficult to
describe, so I'm focusing on getting a working prototype ready that I
can show to the rest of you.  At that time, I expect some pressure
will be off Okuji and back onto me (once he has commented on the
design, and we've made the changes he feels are important).

So, I see the current division of labour as Okuji adding features and
me planning new infrastructure.  Our roles will shift when the
infrastructure I produce can support enough of Grub's current features
to be useful.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think other GRUB contributors are not
spending a lot of their time working on GRUB because they have
different priorities.  Okuji spends a lot of time, and so do I, but I
am nearly invisible right now. ;)

For those who are interested in helping me with infrastructure, please
see my Figure web pages: http://fig.org/figure/

I hope this answers your question,

 Gordon Matzigkeit <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  //\ I'm a FIG (http://fig.org/)
Committed to freedom and diversity \// I use GNU (http://www.gnu.org/)

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