From: Kurt Skauen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: New FS driver (and support for a new OS).
Date: 31 Oct 2000 17:23:50 +0100

> Are you sure this is a more "clean" solution? It seems to me that
> hacking the linker scripts have a larger potential for breaking stuff
> than is the case when removing known sections. The reason I used -R to
> remove sections I didn't need instead of -j to include sections I
> needed is that I don't know what sections might be needed on other
> platforms while I'm pritty sure that f.ex. the symbol table wont be
> needed in the flat image. The same goes for the linker script, how do
> you write a script that is guaranteed to work for all platforms?

  Don't use your modification on all platforms. Enable it only on
AtheOS, whether you use a linker script or not.


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