From: Kurt Skauen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: New FS driver (and support for a new OS).
Date: 02 Nov 2000 16:05:44 +0100

> Does this mean that I'm not allowed to use this code in any other
> projects I might desire unless the entire project is under GPL?

  As long as your license term is compatible with GPL, you can. In
fact, *BSD have code under GPL.

> That
> I'm not allowed to later release the same code under another licence?

  Of course, because you don't have the copyright any longer.

> I must say that even though it aint that important with this tiny
> project, I am in principiell *strongly* against this. I think it is
> *very* rude to require that I give away all the rights to my code.

  Do whatever you like. We don't force you to send an assignment. But
we don't apply your patch, if you don't confirm that your code will be
free forever.


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