[As I'm not the submitter of this bug please Cc: me directly.]

  looking at the BTS about grub and mapping problems I found
  this bug.  I have a similar problem with the current grub

  The scenario appears a bit complicated, but is usable with
  lilo and works (somehow) with grub (although the latter not
  quite correctly).

  I have Windows 98 on my first harddisk, Linux on the second.
  Normally, I use loadlin to start Linux after booting from the
  first harddisk. However, sometimes (don't ask why :-) - I love
  to experiment...) I let the BIOS switch the hard drives and
  boot from the second. I created a lilo.conf, which manages
  this quite well (i.e. boot linux or DOS/Windows after swapping
  the drives). Now I wanted to test grub. I was able to install
  grub after some time (btw, the documentation does not describe
  why grub ever could write screen after screen full of 'GRUB' ;-).
  Linux boots fine now, even Windows boots. But:

  I have a primary DOS partition (i.e. Windows C:) on this first
  hard disk and an extended partition with drives D:, E:, F:, G:.
  After using grub, Windows fails to read anything from the drives
  in the extended partition, but it appends new drives H:, I: a.s.o
  which are actually D:, E: a.s.o. When I switch the drives back
  in my BIOS everything works again. And it did work with lilo.

  Well, two little details: I used the device command in the grub
  shell to switch drives before installing, and the menu entry for
  Win95 contains map (hd0) (hd1) and map (hd1) (hd0), just like it
  is written in the docs. BTW, shouldn't map work from the commandline
  in the grub shell and while booting? You can verify that it does not
  by checking the file system as output of grub's root command.

  I hope I was clear enough, feel free to ask otherwise.


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