On Thu, Mar 08, 2001 at 03:29:00PM +0100, Krzysztof Leszczynski wrote:
> Hi,

> I'm sorry if this is a FAQ but I browsed the whole 4MB
> bug-grub.mbox and didn't find any answer.
> I use pxegrub with ALLWELL network client, it reports
> (550K lower / 317744K upper memory), when I tried to tftp a
> bzImage it says the kernel is too big. I found in grub/stage2/boot.c

Be careful. If your bzImage is in fact a modified bzImage (via etherboot
mknbi or another program), the organization of the image is different, and
GRUB thinks that it is a "small Linux" intended to be installed in low mem.

Modifying boot.c in this occurrence won't help. GRUB is OK with a vanilla
bzImage (you can make a vanilla bzImage and put it on your server ; this
will be OK for the GRUB).

Thierry LARONDE, Centre de Ressources Informatiques, Archamps - France
PingOO, serveur de com sur distribution GNU/Linux: http://www.pingoo.org

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