On Thu, Mar 08, 2001 at 04:23:46PM +0100, Krzysztof Leszczynski wrote:
> > bzImage (you can make a vanilla bzImage and put it on your server ; this
> > will be OK for the GRUB).
> My bzImage is vanilla -- well, except of my experiments with SETUPSEG,
> but I have several bzImages, including a very very small,
> and probably unusable 250kB bzImage.

I had the same kind of messages when trying a Linux bzImage that has been
modified to be nbi compliant. All I suggest you to look for, since GRUB
doesn't recognize this file as a big Linux, is to see if this kernel has, in
some way, been modified. Vanilla bzImage means, for me, the very result of
the compilation of the Linux kernel, with absolutely _no_ modification.

Your problem might be something else. But be sure that the bzImage has not
been changed in a way. The problem is not with the size in itself, but with
GRUB doesn't understanding the data as being a big Image one.

Thierry LARONDE, Centre de Ressources Informatiques, Archamps - France
PingOO, serveur de com sur distribution GNU/Linux: http://www.pingoo.org

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