I have debian testing running on my machine (started with progeny).  I am running 
the 2.4.2 kernel.  It is all located on a 35 GB partition which is using the 
reiser  File system.  It normally boots from grub.  I have been having problems 
with the machine locking up when it reaches a certain temperature in the room.  I 
have not gotten this worked out but for the most part the machine was stable.  
Today I came home and it was locked up tight, rebooted and got the following:

GRUB Loading Stage 1.5
Grub Loading please wait
Grub error 15

If I use my recue floppy generated by the progeny install (just a floppy with grub 
and a menu.lst) it gives me the same error. 

Please help.  I dont understand why i should get an error with the floppy as I 
tested this numerous times over the past several weeks while i went through the 
pain of getting this working with reiser.  

Any Ideas?


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