
I've installed grub in my debian potato system (a pc with 2 disk, the first with 
winzozz, the second with linux.

practicaly, I've had "apt-get install grub", then I've created a /boot/grub dir, and I 
put there all the grub files.

I edited the file menu.lst and I put it in the /boot/grub dir.

And now? how do I install grub?

I want to put it in the second hd, and have my pc start from it (the bios permit it).

Is there a simple grub-install script? if no, what command must I give to have grub 

Thank you!

Buon cammino!

d. Paolo Benvenuto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - PGP Public Key available
Guaricano - Santo Domingo - República Dominicana
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 http://www.giobenve.cjb.net :
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