On Mar 31, Thomas Lyon Gideon wrote:
> [...] My BIOS apparently does not support the WD, so I had to install 
> EZ-BIOS into the MBR of both drives.  My partition table looks like:
> /dev/hda1 ext2 on /boot (I copied the grub images here, in grub, so they 
> are accessible from /boot/grub once Linux is loaded)
> /dev/hda5 swap
> /dev/hda6 ext2 on /
> /dev/hdc1 swap
> /dev/hdc2 ext2 on /home
> I have been trying to install GRUB (verion from the Progeny 
> Debian distribution) into the boot sector of the first, bootable 
> partition of the first drive (hda1 in Linux's terms, hd0,0 in GRUB's).  
> I have to do this from a GRUB boot floppy chain loaded by EZ-BIOS (there 
> is a prompt right after it loads to get to booting from a floppy).  
> Booting directly from the GRUB boot floppy resulted in unrecognizable 
> partition types.

grub- doesn't support EZ-BIOS but when you install grub into
a partition and do it from Grub floppy with EZ-BIOS loaded first, as
you do, I don't see a problem.

> I tried root (hd0,0) followed by setup (hd0,0), which reported success, 
> then rebooted.  After EZ-BIOS loaded, then boot loaded GRUB, I get Error 
> 0x01 over and over again.  

What does "setup (hd0,0)" print?  I suspect it is specifying a wrong
path somewhere.  And what is exactly printed on boot?

> I looked this up and figured it had to be 
> something about my separate boot partition.  I tried the symlink to boot 
> as a child of boot (to get /boot/boot/grub from Linux, or just 
> /boot/grub from GRUB).  

Yes, you still need a symlink for and separate boot partition
(should be fixed in next version). Does the symlink point to "." or
"/boot"?  It must point to "." for grub.  You can check it with ls -l.


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