
first a short apology if this is the wrong place or it is mentioned
somewhere, but after nearly 6 hours searching without success I hope I find help

I have a Debian woody running on a reiserfs root partition. All worked fine
up to now. Yesterday I tried out Windows 2000 and booting my Linux from a
grub-disk worked without problems. Today I remove W2k again and installed W98,
but now I cannot boot with the disk anymore.

I don't get a single error. If I boot with the disk and then use the command
line everything looks fine. root (hd2,0) recognizes the partition as
reiserfs and I can use cat to view fiels without problems. I can even still cat the
kernel (2.2.19). Not a single error.
Issuing 'kernel (hd2,0)/vmlinuz-2.2.19 root=/dev/hdc1' causes simply a
reboot. No error message, nothing. Using the boot menu on the disk (it worked
after the W2k installation) I can very shortly see the 'root (hd2,0)' command and
then I get a reboot as well (next command is kernel as above).
Turning debug and fstest on does not show any errors either.

I don't think I updated Linux after last reboot, but I used the W2k defrag
on hda1 (one and only partition). After that I used the W98 fdisk on /dev/hda
as well, but I did not mess around with hdc . And it seems the filesystem is
intact or would I be able to cat files on the partition otherwise?

Any ideas? Suggestions? Why does it reboot without any errors if something
is wrong?

(Please put me on the cc till I am sure the subscription to the mailing-list

Thanks in advance,

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