On Mon, 10 Dec 2001 06:49:07 +0900 Yoshinori K. Okuji <Yoshinori K. Okuji 

> We really need help by BSD hackers. Currently, almost nobody works for
> BSD-based operating systems, such as FreeBSD, NetBSD, and OpenBSD. So
> we have critical problems in booting later versions of NetBSD and
> OpenBSD. FreeBSD is not a big problem, because GRUB can boot it via
> /boot/loader for now.

> I have written the same message on the web. If nobody helps to fix
> those problems, I will eliminate the propaganda "GRUB supports booting
> NetBSD and OpenBSD" in the next version.

What problems are you referring to ?  OBSD 2.9 boots fine as long as
the kernel is below cylinder 1024. This seems to be a problem with or
without grub (although I can't test the latter).

command chain required is

        root (hd1,3,a)  # since its on the second drive
        chainloader +1

Haven't had a chance to try 3.0 yet.

Having said which Marc Espie is admanant  there are problems due to
certain parameters not being passed properly. I'm trying to look at it
but my 386 assembler skills are pretty non-existant.

Keith Matthews
Frequentous Consultants  - Linux Services, 
                Oracle development & database administration

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