I guy here in the office claims that he succesfully loaded FreeBSD's
kernel directly!  If this is at all true I could ask him to show me what
he did!

On Mon, Dec 10, 2001 at 08:51:28AM +0000, Keith Matthews wrote:
> On Mon, 10 Dec 2001 06:49:07 +0900 Yoshinori K. Okuji <Yoshinori K. Okuji 
><[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
> > We really need help by BSD hackers. Currently, almost nobody works for
> > BSD-based operating systems, such as FreeBSD, NetBSD, and OpenBSD. So
> > we have critical problems in booting later versions of NetBSD and
> > OpenBSD. FreeBSD is not a big problem, because GRUB can boot it via
> > /boot/loader for now.
> > I have written the same message on the web. If nobody helps to fix
> > those problems, I will eliminate the propaganda "GRUB supports booting
> > NetBSD and OpenBSD" in the next version.
> What problems are you referring to ?  OBSD 2.9 boots fine as long as
> the kernel is below cylinder 1024. This seems to be a problem with or
> without grub (although I can't test the latter).
> command chain required is
>         root (hd1,3,a)  # since its on the second drive
>         chainloader +1
>         boot
> Haven't had a chance to try 3.0 yet.
> Having said which Marc Espie is admanant  there are problems due to
> certain parameters not being passed properly. I'm trying to look at it
> but my 386 assembler skills are pretty non-existant.

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