At Mon, 07 Jan 2002 14:52:23 +0100,
Christoph Plattner wrote:
> The preset menu is executed first, then the netboot stuff
> is activated and then the "normal" menu file is sourced.
> If the "normal" menu file is present, all menu relevant 
> stuff is overwritten, so we have your initial behaviour,
> as the preset menu was not sourced (expect for configuration
> items, but no menu items ....).

My version has all the features you mention here (except that it sets up
a network before reading the preset menu).

If my understanding is correct, what you suggested in the previous
mail was such a way as "Please call bootp or something yourself, when
you use the preset menu", right?

> We added further the feature (I mentioned in the last
> email), that the GRUB SHELL starts at reading the "normal"
> menu and skips network setup (no diskless operation !!)
> and never calls the preset menu (of course the possibilty
> with an option is a good addon and can simple be handled
> by my state machine).

In the grub shell, SUPPORT_DISKLESS is never defined, so I don't think
any special treatment for the grub shell is necessary.


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