Hello !

I do not think, it is a good idea, as the "help" is a convinient
list as summary.

I would prefer two other solutions:

*1* a `more' like function in "help" without argument
*2* a "help" working on classes, like OpenBoot of Sun:

        help booting
        help installing
        help console 
        help memory 
        help disks

or similar.

For this, the command entrys in builtin.c can have one more
entry for each command, the "class" field, holding the
class string. A general "help" without parameters
gives information about the classes.

In solution *2* also a "help --all" may exist, listing
all commands in one coloum (left the command, right the
short description) plus the `more'-like output.

Using only one coloum is also a good idea for my solution

What do you think about that ... ?

Christoph P.

"Yoshinori K. Okuji" wrote:
> Because GRUB has too many commands (IMHO), I decided that the command
> "help" shouldn't show all the available commands, when no argument is
> specified. This is a relevant item in NEWS:
> * The command "help" doesn't show all the available commands any longer,
>   when no argument is specified. Rarely used commands (such as
>   "testload") and useless commands in interactive use (such as
>   "savedefault") are hidden. If you want to see help messages for those
>   commands, you will have to specify the names to "help" explicitly.
>   (Also, note that <TAB> still shows all the commands.)
> The serious problem was not the number of commands itself. Rather, the
> screen couldn't display so many commands at a time. I chose what
> commands should be shown and what shoudn't quite roughly. I bet that
> my strategy is right basically, but if you have any objection to the
> current way, let me know. I have no good reason why my selection was
> appropriate.
> Okuji
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