
The pager implementation looks and feels good and is working 
(I tested on an embedded machine, serial console, not in dumbed mode).

2 minor suggestions:

1) the command `pager':
        I would prefer following:
        pager <without arguments>
                gives cuttent state (not toggeling)
        pager on|off
                does the switch 

2) `help' only should output the list in one coloum.

Thanks for that implementation, for many users you fullfilled
a long dream !

Christoph P.

"Yoshinori K. Okuji" wrote:
> Ok, I implemented an internal pager, a new option "--all" to the command
> "help", a new command "pager", a new option "--lines" to the command
> "terminal", and so on. I did a few tests, and they worked well. Try
> the new features, and send a bug report, if any.
> I think the remaining is to update the manual. Once that's finished,
> I'll prepare 0.92, as I promised Jason in a private mail...
> Okuji
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