I tried several times to create a GRUB floppy as it is explained in the 
GRUB Manual in Section 3.1:

>From the current cvs I created the floppy after doing the
./configure ; make 
with the following commands:

        # dd if=stage1/stage1 of=/dev/fd0 bs=512 count=1
        1+0 records in
        1+0 records out
        # dd if=stage2/stage2 of=/dev/fd0 bs=512 seek=1
        188+1 records in
        188+1 records out

but this floppy does not boot into GRUBs command mode.

I successfully created a VFAT GRUB floppy by copying 
stage1/stage1, stage2/stage2, and stage2/*1_5 to 
(fd0)/boot/grub and using an installed (older) GRUB 

        root (fd0)
        setup (fd0)

What am I doing wrong ? Or is there a subtle bug in
the default stage1 or stage2 files (I have the 
impression but cannot prove it that the floppy
immediately redirects to/chainloads the GRUB installed 
on (hd0,0)

        Bernhard Treutwein, IuK, Ref. III A 3

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