=================== BUG #539: LATEST MODIFICATIONS ==================

Changes by: Yoshinori K. Okuji <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 2002-Jun-09 19:04 (GMT)

            What     | Removed                   | Added
      Dependent Bugs |                           | 509

=================== BUG #539: FULL BUG SNAPSHOT ===================

Submitted by: apostoly                  Project: grub                           
Submitted on: 2002-Jun-04 10:21
Category:  Booting                      Severity:  Critical                     
Priority:  None                         Bug Group:  None                        
Resolution:  None                       Assigned to:  None                      
Status:  Open                           Release:  0.90                          
Reproducibility:  Every Time            Planned Release:                        

Summary:  No support for USB KeyBoards !!

Original Submission:  When configuring GRUB with an USB keyboard, i'm enable to select 
the OS I want to boot, since the keyboard doesn't work at all. (after booting, in 
linux, or windows, this is ok)
Lots of people seem to have this problem. I didn't found solutions on the net.
Thanks by advance for your help.

Follow-up Comments

Date: 2002-Jun-09 18:58             By: None
Just wanted to add "me too".  I am having this problem on a Abit NV7m motherboard, 
running the latest bios: 6Q. 


Date: 2002-Jun-05 00:25             By: apostoly
Here's my config:
IBM Netvista (a "Tower" computer)
with Phoenix BIOS 4.0 Release 6.0 for IBM Netvista.
I've got an USB Keyboard connected (only, this, no other keyboard).
Using LILO, i don't have the problem.

I can try stuffs if you want (and if i don't completly loose my MBR ;)

Date: 2002-Jun-04 21:39             By: apostoly
Yes my BIOS supports USB keyboards ! And i've checked everything in the bios (it's a 
pretty cool one) and everything seems to be ok...
Perhaps USB support isn't simply implemented in grub ??

Date: 2002-Jun-04 14:48             By: okuji
Does your BIOS support a USB keyboard?


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