=================== BUG #539: LATEST MODIFICATIONS ==================

Changes by: Yoshinori K. Okuji <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 2002-Jun-12 18:32 (GMT)

------------------ Additional Follow-up Comments ----------------------------

I also have another patch. See the bug whose id is 509,
for more information. If you cannot find out my patch and
you are interested in it, let me know.


=================== BUG #539: FULL BUG SNAPSHOT ===================

Submitted by: apostoly                  Project: grub                           
Submitted on: 2002-Jun-04 10:21
Category:  Booting                      Severity:  Critical                     
Priority:  None                         Bug Group:  None                        
Resolution:  None                       Assigned to:  None                      
Status:  Open                           Release:  0.90                          
Reproducibility:  Every Time            Planned Release:                        

Summary:  No support for USB KeyBoards !!

Original Submission:  When configuring GRUB with an USB keyboard, i'm enable to select 
the OS I want to boot, since the keyboard doesn't work at all. (after booting, in 
linux, or windows, this is ok)
Lots of people seem to have this problem. I didn't found solutions on the net.
Thanks by advance for your help.

Follow-up Comments

Date: 2002-Jun-12 18:32             By: okuji

I also have another patch. See the bug whose id is 509,
for more information. If you cannot find out my patch and
you are interested in it, let me know.


Date: 2002-Jun-12 18:23             By: apostoly
Wich patch must I test ???

Date: 2002-Jun-12 17:12             By: okuji
Have you tested the patch? What was the result?


Date: 2002-Jun-12 14:50             By: None
BIOSes that don't do A20 right appear to be real common and since many newer computers 
only have a USB keyboard this needs to be given the highest priority.  There was a 
patch posted to the mailing list that dealt with the A20 and USB problem, what is the 
status of that patch?

Date: 2002-Jun-09 18:58             By: None
Just wanted to add "me too".  I am having this problem on a Abit NV7m motherboard, 
running the latest bios: 6Q. 


Date: 2002-Jun-05 00:25             By: apostoly
Here's my config:
IBM Netvista (a "Tower" computer)
with Phoenix BIOS 4.0 Release 6.0 for IBM Netvista.
I've got an USB Keyboard connected (only, this, no other keyboard).
Using LILO, i don't have the problem.

I can try stuffs if you want (and if i don't completly loose my MBR ;)

Date: 2002-Jun-04 21:39             By: apostoly
Yes my BIOS supports USB keyboards ! And i've checked everything in the bios (it's a 
pretty cool one) and everything seems to be ok...
Perhaps USB support isn't simply implemented in grub ??

Date: 2002-Jun-04 14:48             By: okuji
Does your BIOS support a USB keyboard?


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