grub uses the bios order. if you choose to boot from a different disk
the bios order changes.

On Wed, Nov 20, 2002 at 11:11:14AM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> =================== BUG #1758: FULL BUG SNAPSHOT ===================
> Submitted by: None                      Project: GNU GRUB                       
> Submitted on: 2002-Nov-20 11:11
> Category:  Disk & Partition         Severity:  Major                        
> Priority:  None                         Bug Group:  Software Error              
> Resolution:  None                       Assigned to:  None                      
> Status:  Open                           Release:  0.90                          
> Reproducibility:  Every Time            Planned Release:                        
> Summary:  Device mapping different depending on environment (OS, or BIOS)
> Original Submission:  I have experienced this problem on two different systems now.
> Both systems were Copaq Deskpros with SCSI and IDE. Running grub under Linux 
>(gentoo), the device mapping is IDE (hd0) and SCSI (hd1). Trying to boot grub from 
>(hd1) on boot results in
> the repeating "GRUB GRUB GRUB GRUB ..." problem.
> If I boot from a Grub floppy I see that the SCSI is now (hd0) and the IDE is (hd0). 
>I can use the floppy to re-write Grub to the SCSI disk (using the new mapping). After 
>boot, running grub again shows that the mapping has reverted.
> You may contact me at joelmFOO <<at>> (remove the FOO).
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