I have redhat 8 installed on a mb that has a HPT370 raid controller. 
I don't use the raid mode so the drives just appear as another IDE
drive.  I had the unfortunate experience of having a hard disk crash on
this machine and so I replaced it and then partitioned it same as
before, reinstalled the mbr(had a copy saved off), made all the
filesystems and swap, reloaded all my data (had good backups) and then
tried to boot.  All the normal BIOS bootup display happens and then it
just hangs there with the word GRUB staring at you.  Ok, so I loaded up
the original boot floppy for this machine and the system booted just
fine.  Went ahead and checked everything on all the filesystems and
everything looks great.  Machine runs just fine.  So I went ahead and
did a 'grub-install /dev/hde' (hde is the drive that I replaced and is
the one addressed in grub.conf); removed the boot floppy; rebooted the
machine and got the same hang again when it is stuck at the word GRUB. 
My question is why is this machine booting perfectly from the boot
floppy and not from the hard drive?  I reinstalled the exact same MBR
as before.  And then later did a 'grub-install' and still GRUB hangs. 
Why is this?  I noticed that there are other posts in this list dealing
with the same problem  and there was never any resolution given.  As
background, I do not have a separate /boot partition.  Here are some of
my grub files:
# grub.conf generated by anaconda
# Note that you do not have to rerun grub after making changes to this
# NOTICE:  You do not have a /boot partition.  This means that
#          all kernel and initrd paths are relative to /, eg.
#          root (hd1,0)
#          kernel /boot/vmlinuz-version ro root=/dev/hde1
#          initrd /boot/initrd-version.img
title Red Hat Linux (2.4.18-14)
        root (hd1,0)
        kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.4.18-14 ro root=LABEL=/
        initrd /boot/initrd-2.4.18-14.img
title DOS
        rootnoverify (hd0,0)
        chainloader +1
# device.map
(fd0)   /dev/fd0
(hd0)   /dev/hdc
(hd1)   /dev/hde
menu.lst is just a link to grub.conf
# stage1 (dump):
000000 009048eb 00000000 00000000 00000000  >ëH..............<
000010 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  >................<
000030 00000000 00000000 00000000 02030000  >................<
000040 800000ff 00000001 eafa0800 00007c50  >ÿ.........úêP|..<
000050 d88ec031 00bcd08e 40a0fb20 74ff3c7c  >1A.O.D¼. û @|<ÿt<
000060 52c28802 e87d76be c2f60134 b4547480  >..AR_v}è4.öA.tT'<
000070 55aabb41 525a13cd fb814972 4375aa55  >A»ªUI.ZRrI.ûUªuC<
000080 847c41a0 830575c0 377401e1 104c8b66  > A|.Au..á.t7f.L.<
000090 c67c05be 6601ff44 7c441e8b 001004c7  >_.|ÆDÿ.f..D|Ç...<
0000a0 010244c7 5c896600 0644c708 31667000  >ÇD...f.\.ÇD..pf1<
0000b0 044489c0 0c448966 13cd42b4 00bb0572  >A.D.f.D.'BI.r.».<
0000c0 b47deb70 7313cd08 80c2f60a 00f3840f  >pë}'.I.s.öA...ó.<
0000d0 be008de9 44c67c05 316600ff 40f088c0  >é.._.|ÆDÿ.f1A.d@<
0000e0 04448966 ca88d231 8802e2c1 40f488e8  >f.D.1O.EAâ..è.ô@<
0000f0 31084489 c0d088c0 896602e8 44a16604  >.D.1A.DAè.f..f¡D<
000100 d231667c 8834f766 31660a54 74f766d2  >|f1Of÷4.T.f1Of÷t<
000110 0b548804 3b0c4489 3c7d0844 c00d548a  >..T..D.;D.}<.T.A<
000120 4c8a06e2 08c1fe0a 0c6c8ad1 0b748a5a  >â..L._A.Ñ.l.Z.t.<
000130 8e7000bb b8db31c3 13cd0201 c38c2a72  >».p.A1U,..I.r*.A<
000140 7c48068e 00b91e60 31db8e01 fcff31f6  >..H|`.1...U1ö1ÿü<
000150 611fa5f3 7c4226ff e87d7cbe 0eeb0040  >ó¥.aÿ&B|_|[EMAIL PROTECTED]<
000160 e87d81be 06eb0038 e87d8bbe 90be0030  >_.}è8.ë._.}è0._.<
000170 002ae87d 5247feeb 00204255 6d6f6547  >}è*.ë_GRUB .Geom<
000180 72614800 69442064 52006b73 00646165  >.Hard Disk.Read.<
000190 72724520 bb00726f 0eb40001 3cac10cd  > Error.»..'.I.¬<<
0001a0 c3f47500 00000000 00000000 00000000  >.uôA............<
0001b0 00000000 00000000 00000000 12240000  >..............$.<
0001c0 be00090f c0317dbd 8a4613cd 00f9800c  >..._½}1AI.F...ù.<
0001d0 dabe0f75 ffc6e87d 6c4694eb 7970706f  >u._U}èÆÿë.Floppy<
0001e0 7000bb00 b50201b8 cd00b600 b6d77213  >.».p,..µ.¶.I.rx¶<
0001f0 e94fb501 0000fedd 00000000 aa550000  >.µOéY_........Uª<
# MBR (hde):
000000 009048eb 00000000 00000000 00000000  >ëH..............<
000010 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  >................<
000030 00000000 00000000 00000000 02030000  >................<
000040 200000ff 00000001 eafa0200 00007c50  >ÿ.. ......úêP|..<
000050 d88ec031 00bcd08e 40a0fb20 74ff3c7c  >1A.O.D¼. û @|<ÿt<
000060 52c28802 e87d76be c2f60134 b4547480  >..AR_v}è4.öA.tT'<
000070 55aabb41 525a13cd fb814972 4375aa55  >A»ªUI.ZRrI.ûUªuC<
000080 847c41a0 830575c0 377401e1 104c8b66  > A|.Au..á.t7f.L.<
000090 c67c05be 6601ff44 7c441e8b 001004c7  >_.|ÆDÿ.f..D|Ç...<
0000a0 010244c7 5c896600 0644c708 31667000  >ÇD...f.\.ÇD..pf1<
0000b0 044489c0 0c448966 13cd42b4 00bb0572  >A.D.f.D.'BI.r.».<
0000c0 b47deb70 7313cd08 80c2f60a 00f3840f  >pë}'.I.s.öA...ó.<
0000d0 be008de9 44c67c05 316600ff 40f088c0  >é.._.|ÆDÿ.f1A.d@<
0000e0 04448966 ca88d231 8802e2c1 40f488e8  >f.D.1O.EAâ..è.ô@<
0000f0 31084489 c0d088c0 896602e8 44a16604  >.D.1A.DAè.f..f¡D<
000100 d231667c 8834f766 31660a54 74f766d2  >|f1Of÷4.T.f1Of÷t<
000110 0b548804 3b0c4489 3c7d0844 c00d548a  >..T..D.;D.}<.T.A<
000120 4c8a06e2 08c1fe0a 0c6c8ad1 0b748a5a  >â..L._A.Ñ.l.Z.t.<
000130 8e7000bb b8db31c3 13cd0201 c38c2a72  >».p.A1U,..I.r*.A<
000140 7c48068e 00b91e60 31db8e01 fcff31f6  >..H|`.1...U1ö1ÿü<
000150 611fa5f3 7c4226ff e87d7cbe 0eeb0040  >ó¥.aÿ&B|_|[EMAIL PROTECTED]<
000160 e87d81be 06eb0038 e87d8bbe 90be0030  >_.}è8.ë._.}è0._.<
000170 002ae87d 5247feeb 00204255 6d6f6547  >}è*.ë_GRUB .Geom<
000180 72614800 69442064 52006b73 00646165  >.Hard Disk.Read.<
000190 72724520 bb00726f 0eb40001 3cac10cd  > Error.»..'.I.¬<<
0001a0 c3f47500 00000000 00000000 00000000  >.uôA............<
0001b0 00000000 00000000 00000000 01800000  >................<
0001c0 0f830001 003fffff 40d10000 0f00009c  >[EMAIL PROTECTED]<
0001d0 0f8effff 4110ffff 5910009c 0f000837  >ÿÿ..ÿÿ.A...Y7...<
0001e0 0f82ffff 9a20ffff 410008d3 0000001f  >ÿÿ..ÿÿ .O..A....<
0001f0 00000000 00000000 00000000 aa550000  >..............Uª<

Everything looks in order as far as I can tell.  Anyone know how to
fix/workaround this problem (besides going back to lilo)?  Any help
would be greatly appreciated.

Gerry Reno

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