> Summary: More than 2 primary partitions
> Version: 0.93
> Type: software bug
> Message:
> My desktop has 60G HD. I divided into two primary partitions with 10G each. The 
> other 40G be the extended partition.
> 1st Primary partition: Win 2000( first installing )
> 2nd Primary Partition: Linux Redhat 8.0( second installing )
> Extended partition: For storing data.
> The Grub runs with serious problem.
> When I use RedHat 8.0, everything seens fine. But, once I change to Window2000. 
> Win2000 tries to access 2nd primary partition. This makes my booting win2000 very 
> slow, and after booting Win2000 can't see any HD inside. Everytime when I open IE or 
> click "MyComputer" then system crash. Is there anyway to slove this problem ? Or It 
> is impossible to have multi-OS in this kind of HD. If possible, please send me a 
> email with detail solution.

Two questions :

 - what is your menu.lst ( grub.conf ) file ?
 - why are you reporting windows problems on a grub mail list ?
   ( doesn't MS have a superior support ? )

David Balazic
"Be excellent to each other." - Bill S. Preston, Esq., & "Ted" Theodore
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