John Otingocni wrote:
Grub will not get out of my mbr.
I've booted with a Win98 boot floppy and executed the fdisk /mbr command and grub still tries to load.
I've re-installed win2k and grub still tries to load.
I've booted to linux rescue and executed dd if=/dev/zeros of=/dev/hda bs=512 count=1 and grub still tries to load.
I've used a utility called mbrworks to overwrite the MBR and EMBR areas and grub still treis to load.
I've used the win2k recovery console and issued the fixmbr command and still grub loads.

J. Otingocni

Attach a copy to the email of: - dd if=/dev/hda of=/partition-sector.img bs=512 count=1

I suspect that you installed grub somewhere other than the master partition sector. If you do fdisk, see which partition is set active.

Make the win2k partition the active one.


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