"John Otingocni" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Grub will not get out of my mbr.
> I've booted with a Win98 boot floppy and executed the fdisk /mbr
> command and grub still tries to load.
> I've re-installed win2k and grub still tries to load.
> I've booted to linux rescue and executed dd if=/dev/zeros of=/dev/hda
> bs=512 count=1 and grub still tries to load.
> I've used a utility called mbrworks to overwrite the MBR and EMBR
> areas and grub still treis to load.
> I've used the win2k recovery console and issued the fixmbr command and
> still grub loads.

Is it possible that you are not booting from MBR but that the
currently active partition points to your GNU/Linux partition?

In that case you have to make another partition active.

And I wonder if it is ok to write a blocks filled with zeros to the


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