This mail is an automated notification from the bugs tracker
 of the project: GNU GRUB.

[bugs #9640] Full Item Snapshot:

URL: <>
Project: GNU GRUB
Submitted by: 0
On: Wed 07/14/04 at 14:01

Category:  Documentation
Severity:  Major
Priority:  5 - Normal
Item Group:  Action Request
Resolution:  None
Assigned to:  None
Originator Name:  Solar
Originator Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Status:  Open
Release:  yes, please...
Reproducibility:  None
Planned Release:  

Summary:  More information on GRUB / GRUB2 on website

Original Submission:  The website is very hazy on the following (crucial, IMHO) points:

* will GRUB2 still be Multiboot compliant? Will existing self-written kernels have to 
adapt to GRUB2?

* how far away is GRUB2? What is yet to be done? Any roadmap?

That being said, you still have GRUB dangling at 0.9x, "not been released publically", 
and yet being discontinued for some "GRUB 2" that might be years off for all we 
(casual visitors of your website) would know.

How can there be a GRUB *2* if there never was a GRUB *1* to speak of? I'd expect at 
least a 1.0 file release - however incomplete and inferor that version might feel for 
you - that people can use and rely upon until that GRUB 2 materializes.

Just IMHO and my 0.02€ as usual.

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