NT stores a copy of its boot block in the last sector of the boot partition, so you may be able to get your NTFS back by booting a windows recovery CD.

On Jan 24, 2007, at 11:47 AM, Olle Bergkvist wrote:

Hello Gnu people!

I have a problem; I cant access my NTFS file system with Windows XP on it. I cant boot Windows, and i cant explore the file system even from within Linux. I think GRUB is one  reason.

I am in big trouble, and i would be VERY thankful if anyone could help me, or explain what has happened.

Recently, i bought a new hard disk.

1. The first thing i did with the new hard disk was to install Windows XP on it. Used the Windows-CD to create a NTFS partition to install on.

2. Then i created a FAT32-partition, and moved most of my old personal files, and my Knoppix Linux installation to the new Fat32 partition.

3. Now , some months later, i decided to install Grub so i can boot other OS'es than Windows, for example Knoppix. I used a Live-CD, dont know whether i used Knoppix 5.0 or Damn small linux 2.?.?

They both have Grub 0.91 or very similar version numbers.

In Grub i executed
"setup (hd0,1)"
as i'm used to. But then at boot time my computer booted my previous boot loader, NTLDR for Windows. This happened after repeated re-installatinos of Grub. Grub gave no error messages. I know my BIOS supports LBA by default.

Then i executed
"setup (hd0,0)"
to install on the NTFS partitoion.
I thought this would install Grub on a better place, where the computer could reach it at boot time. It worked, but ever since then my NTFS partition is broken and unbootable.

I can still boot and access my FAT32-partition though.

Any help is GREATLY appreciated!

Thanks in advance
from Olle Bergkvist


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